And back in Stockholm..

The easter weekend was good to us. We all got a late morning sleep so it feels like our batteries have been charged, a little bit anyway. It´s always nice to come home after being away for more than a week. Everything feels so easy and new especially if you cleaned the apartment before leaving.

Have you all had a nice easter? Did anyone of you compete in an egg-picking contest? You know the one where you first paint your egg to look like a winner and ready for a fight and then you hit the other´s eggs and try to destroy their shells with your egg. My father always has this competition at his house when it´s easter. I think I have won once over the last ten years. It´s both creative and wakes your fighter instincts. You should try it.

It feels good to be back in Stockholm and in the taxi I felt the nervousness being present for the first time. Helsinki is close.

  • You´re the best!! around, nothing´s gonna ever keep you down, you´re the best!! around..You´re the best!! around, nothing´s gonna ever keep you down, you´re the best!! around..
  • They always know when he´s coming to town

    They always know when he´s coming to town

    19 Responses to “And back in Stockholm..”

    1. Ilya Says:

      Hej!))) We already know that Per and the band will play 25 song + 1 bonus one. How many songs will YOU play? Would you play alone, or someone will assist you?

    2. elena Says:

      Who is Mr X, Per?

    3. Alison Says:

      Easter was quiet here for me! The weather however has been so beautiful so warm and sunny I only hope it stays this way! I have Easter Eggs in the fridge but can’t face chocolate at the moment, guilty of too much Absolut! Really looking forward to seeing you on tour!

    4. Alison Says:

      A little bit of promotion for you, I linked you on my blog and also on Facebook, I have 44,000 hits on WordPress since last March! Let’s get the fans here to read your blog, I love what you write! Have you thought about getting onto Twitter and follow Per idea, it really get’s everyone into the mood about the tour! 😉

    5. Delilah Says:

      Mr X is their son, Charles-Didrik.

    6. Erik Johansson Says:

      Hej Martin

      Var länge sen man träffade dig nu, var väl Helenas spelningar under hösten 2007 när man följde er galet, ska bli kul att du får köra endel. Du har grym röst, som jag sagt och skrivit tidigare.

      Hoppas du har tid så man får hälsa på dig vid spelningarna sen också. =)
      Ses i Köpenhamn, London och 2x Stockholm

      • martiniquemusic Says:

        Hej Erik! Kul att du har hittat hit. Vi får se om vi hinner träffas, har ju en liten kille med oss som du vet, men det hade varit kul. Kul att du hänger med!

        • Erik Johansson Says:

          Absolut vet jag det =)
          Och du ska veta att du har mitt fulla stöd när du står på scen…du vet att vi är ett par stycken som verkligen vill att du ska slå igenom med dina låtar också. =)

      • martiniquemusic Says:

        Tack för stödet! Jag behöver det =)

    7. Kamila Says:


      It’s nice to hear that you’re back. It’s been a very short holiday for you. How are you feeling before the first concert? I’m so excited and nervous at the same time before the Warsaw gig. I hope everything will go fine and I’ll have only nice memories when I come back home. Last time in Malmo during EHM tour I fainted because of a stomachache and the paramedics took me to an ambulance to check whether I’m fine. I was. It was scary but it gave me a chance to see you and Helena. No sign of Per though. Maybe this time. 😉

      Do zobaczenia w Warszawie, Kamila

      • martiniquemusic Says:

        I can´t wait to play the first concert. Hope to see you there and remember, don´t be nervous, we´re all humans, it´s me that shoud be nervous =)

    8. Kamila Says:

      My Easter was fine and still is! It’s the second day and I’m afraid to go out as today we have Smingus-dyngus? Do you know this Polish tradition of drenching people with water? Later on the news you hear about people who were caught by some teenagers or children and drenched with buckets of water. Not a pleasent experience.

      Say hi to Helena, Kamila

    9. Judith Says:

      you have to wrap the egg with your whole hand! 😉
      I never picked eggs in Spain, I got to learn it in Austria, and on Friday I learnt the trick above. It worked three times 🙂

    10. Kamila Says:

      Thanks a million for the answer. Tomorrow, the same time I’ll be right after work (I have only two lessons on Wednesdays, I’m a teacher) getting ready for one of the greatest journeys of my life – the concert. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. Love, Kamila

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